The precept to turn the other cheek, being inapplicable thus cause the
lawyer and priest to earn a living.

The brighter the light, the darker the shadows.

Even if you are at the bottom of a well, all is still  well as the sun
still shines at midday.

Those wishing to improve their inner sight must realise that although
the darkness pervades, still there is light.

To see things invisible at ordinary times, your thinking must be
extraordinary and to have hearing that is extraordinary, you must be
attuned to the chimes.

To see visions in dreams, you must realise life is not all as at a
first glance it seems.

God please give peace serene to those who have no peace, please give
rest to such wondering spirits that dwell the earth so that now they
may heaven enter. Please grant them rest, realising that only by your
power can  be fulfilled and earthly ueset.

There is wisdom in all things if we can but decipher it.

As miners read the earth, astrologers read the heavens; as historians
read the past, prophets read the future; as light shines on the earth,
darkeness comforts the weary, so that it becomes evident that all have
their own God- ordained purpose.

Candles_round, Gold for our Lord, as the sin also shone on by the sun in the
day sky.

Sites song: You don’t know what you’ve gut ’til it’s gone.

Some things are over before they begun.

Spend more time being grateful for what you have (’cause some people don’t
even have that much) and less time wasted on things you could really do
without ’cause even those who do hav don’t appreciate what they have at the
best of times, but want more – that’s human nature.

Love, Respect & Protection promote Prosperity & Dexterity.

Invite good luck into life. Divine redirection/temporary coincidence is not
bad luck – just incidental instance.

Love? I’l leave that for the dreamers & the idealists.

I used to be in the former category, but it serves no purpose dreaming if
ideals can’t be realised.

It is merely an analogy.

I’m not getting involved in any more relationships ”cause this is always a
disappointment in the end/

Enterntainin’ your notions in fxit (becon) implies to be is needed e.

You want to go back to a perfect ten? Get it on the net. (With ho hum
fiddlesticks traditional rhythm accompaniment).

Freepost & postnet complete complite polite complie compile.

Compile totally nonsensical texts with book & rhyming words & combined
search engine web page.

Compile multiple choice is to the web as to re-do multiple choice.

Speech is defined as diminutive speech in a minor way.

Compete to  complete @last, @least.

Clickorama or clickoscope kaleidoscope entertain notions of twiheavyzone

An IT site Doohickey has Analogousanalog to Thingamabob and LotesNotes.

IN online sodo absolutely onlinebooks.

Wishoon tailo2cities photos flutterby.

Wingding & things site is like Sukodu – looking for you – german social
networking at its best, puzzling as it may be.

CalQL8 somore newbloom simplthing moster morestar.

Ho to be is needed e.

Wtilike about Management (Miss Mang. (WOM. Lib.) is to  recommendat. (with

You don’t need to validate who you are in order to feel important and be of
importance. Just be you.

People do not interest me any more, having proven to me over and again how
stupid, narrow minded and sentient beings they are.

The only solution is absolution.

So many dreams were never realised. So many ventures never materialised. So
many things I did not realise. So many wishes it was not wise.

Voting: standing member of parliament – ‘scuse the pun.

I’m wondering if I should clean up or play with myself. Decisions.

It serves no purpose to harbour resentment.

The law is nothing but a travesty of justice.

Words are what we come up with as others go about their daily business.

The library is the best place to pick up a partner to go to bed with that
you can read like a book.

Vote anonymously! – All opposed? 0 – unanimous vote.

Insure to ensure smooth running!

Realistic value accumulates venture capital.

Cool & clever is encouraged by drive for success.

The sky is the limit. Achieve your goals.Buy strength. Manage your money.
Bring your dreams into the real world.

The Sun – Invest in the Best.

Thought for the day: Only gross ineptitude has stood in the way of vast

I gave my donation to build our nation.Now for your participation.


The kindness of strangers: My litany of saints include those whose kindness
& generous assistance facilitated fundraising. And how to thank? Knowing
that, as if it was not enough to be grateful for, life would be very
enriched indeed.

The immaterial material of inconsequential consequences.

Adapt metaphor i.e. people with short fuses are more likely to get shocked.

Ev’ry my/may/day candle will cost you a teardrop/smile.

Cite your site!

Approach situations by modifying behaviour that trigger reaction with
complacency and indifference.

Reprimand PC somewt lk u wd a recalcitrant child

Let light illumiate your year-end path anew, May God’s love inspire your
festive journey, That Christ’s glory will open joyous doors for you & The
Holy Spirit accompany you to your destiny.

Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity not only for Christmas and New
Year, but all eternity

Funny idioms are i.e. I rest my briefcase; look up commonly known idioms and
substitute words.

Ironical positive connotations can be formed with negative associations by
visualising outcome, looking past instead of ovrlooking the obvious, i.e.
worm to butterfly, manure to flower, etc.

You don’t know what you have until it is gone.

Some things are over before they begun.

My heart froze for a second – got a shock.

Motivation for and advantages of going towards outweigh disadvantages not

Similar for all that glitters is not gold is to look up verbs & nouns
matching with same letters, i.e. all that attracts are not alchemic magnets.

I’m voting/voted 4 my FB frs, ‘cos they can COPE with ANCilliated DP etc.
(play on political names) – yes, I know the election is gone, but since home
affairs opened for issueing of ID books after voter registration was closed
I can’t foresee this being a problem to prepare early for the next

Dream I was in a place where I stayed with a river meandering, I went thru a
hole in the ground by a sawn down thick tree stump to a funfare with games,
I was named in the games, I showed another man how to play games, he won
money and I asked him to give R50 to the maid.

Picking up fruit dream symbolises finding & accumulating things dream.

RESUBMIT AL REFUSED REFUTED in the Direction of your Erection.

Prosperity & Dexterity Invite good luck into life.

Divine redirection/temporary coincidence is not bad luck – just incidental

Love? I’l leave that for the dreamers & the idealists.

I used to be in the former category, but it serves no purpose dreaming if
ideals can’t be realised.

This philosophy is merely an analogy.

I’m not getting involved in any more relationships, ’cause it’s always a
disappoinment in the end.

Enterntainin’ your notions is waving at you ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Reprimand PC somewt lk u wd a recalcitrant child.

Let light illumiate your year-end path anew, may God’s love inspire
your festive journey, that Christ’s glory will open joyous doors for
you & The Holy Spirit accompany you to your destiny.

Wishing you peace, happiness and prosperity

not only for Christmas and New Year, but all eternity

Funny idioms may include I rest my briefcase.

In commonly known idioms words may be substituted.

Ironical positive connotations witht negative associations by
visualising outcome surmises looking past instead of ovrlooking the
obvious i.e. worm to butterfly, manure to flower.

You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone.Conversely: Some things
are over before they begun.

Spend more time being greatful for what you have (’cause some people
don’t even have that much) and less time wasted on things you could
really do without, ’cause even those who do have don’t appreciate what
they have at the best of times, but want more – that’s human nature.

Love. Respect. Protection. These are the three keys.

If a heart froze for a second, having got a shock, would that be
shocking to second?

Inasmuch as motivation for and advantages exist of going towards,
there are disadvantages not to.

If all that glitters is not gold, can it be assumed that by reverse
logic all gold do not glitter. Indeed this is so for those noble,
disregarded characteristics. Furthermore, all that attract are not
alchemic magnets.

I’m voting/voted for my FB friends, ‘cause they can COPE with
ANCilliated DP – yes, I know the election is gone and it’s soccer now,
but since home affairs opened for issueing of ID books after voter
registration was closed I can’t foresee this being a problem to
prepare early for the next elections.

I dreamed I was in a place where I stayed with a river meandering, I
went through a hole in the ground by a sawn down thick tree stump to a
funfare with games, I was named in the games, I showed another man how
to play games, he won money and that’s not even getting to my picking
up fruit dream and finding & accumulating things dream. Great quote,
hey? Please dont’ say t he content is irrevelant since I think it’s
rather irreverent.

ALL REFUSED REFUTED in Direction of your Ecletion for Prosperity &
Dexterity Invite good fortune into life.

Divine redirection/temporary coincidence is not bad luck – just
incidental instance.

Love? I’ll leave that for the dreamers & the idealists. I used to be
in the former category, but it serves no purpose dreaming if ideals
can’t be realised.

An is merely an analogy.

I’m not getting involved in any more relationships, ’cause it has
always been a disappointment in the end.

Enterntainin’ your notions is part of my devotions.

    @                 @@
    | |                   |  |
    ^^                   ^^
vVvvvVvvvVvvvVvvvVSo the weather collaborated in relatively dreary
particles cognate with moon in what’s considered weary resourceful
brilliant interaction that exudes an ambience that mere dreamy modesty

Anthromorphosis oft eludes those seemingly in the know, requiring
wonder at such wonderful sights yet to show presumable reflecting
vandalism as perfection before
wondering wandering scholastic perceptions bore more.

Predicted occurrences assisted in prophesies of divine  since
multiples not held by me widely belongs as thine approaching
discoveries mention of materialistic good
that in paradigm shift was deduced to have withstood.

My benevolence exist as challenges for my many foes who in not being
extremely accurate overrate with woes humanity’s teaching falling
where previously arose
significant natural understanding everyday as chose.

Learning equations demonstrated sprinking discontent with uncommon
start executing steps peacable&turbulent basically building universe
acceding to the throne understood communication studied by act of
being lone.

Relevant development were kept as phenomena slept oblivious of rainbow
rejoicing though clouds wept in irrverent efforts for raindrops not to
retire from parting clouds to fall amidst in like desire falling
faster than a climber ascending hills steep were those conclusive
situations arising from sleep parting with fun realising in
culminating dismay that array of drops in ocean went astray as river
sway, perturbed by passionate gentlemen in whose palm a trickle of
water in baptising served as balm sequentially saving insignificant
water from obscurity, knowing promise of God’s love despite man’s
infedility in such life looking back eratically in ever increase as a
storm wind erupts from a once gentle breeze, signifying
inconsistencies of man’s perfect success, progressing development
rather being content with less, resulting in woe & begone tales if
wailing & woe, casting assunder upwars ambitions as these do go,
questioning contributions of relatives’ rejoice when friends are more
faithful & committed by choice.

Direct contrast of good enough isolated those who reinterpreted
philosphy of reality as they chose in pending inquisitiveness of
inquisition in sight inquiring at interdict of mountain’s valleys

Such closed interpretations question lost affections burdening
memory’s temperamental temporal recollecions, preceding issue of
ultimately refused untimely hearse, theorising lost potential
simultaneously timid&terse.

Foundation of problems in relationship don’t matter, illustrated by
developed compliments & idle flatter, heeding pixed points granting
success in participation,
overcoming existing reason superior to inclination.

Accusations received summarily pale in insignificance to implied
remarks, measures&principles of cognicance; value represented by
numbers of members in an audience are marginal to forces manifesting
in recognicance.

Unrecognised straightforward spirits bravely reckoned neither
development nor contributions to that beckoned by surreptitious
hinting of favourible promises told
in choosing the wrong option unwittingly not behold.

What has previously been known as rational & right now is a mere
refuting glimmer of a previously bright legacy of dissimilar popular
queens between kings and heritage of angels indifferent to clipped

Words travelling as such in troubled verse transverse extremely
impeded current thoughts in terse converse rationalist symblism of
Christianity’s Bible divine in reflected good association of blessings
do shine.

Self imposed spectrum of light encapsulated in dream cast shadows of
perceptions akin to trout upstream swimming against the current in
season and in view
of fishermen wanting wonting in such selfish in lieu of fact that
these floating examinations evaded regal grasp as waves deterred
determined talons of an eagle
opting rather for an ironical olive branch now made with bark and
trunk of neighbours thus betrayed.

Should it be no wonder then that infinity casts aside such evaluations
inconclusively made by foolish pride and would cause for right be
radiated to yet another slumber indefininitely in dynamic dreaming

Friendship all over the world explores the width and breathes of
bereaved brethren of broad Meredith in colloquial referral to the
meridean as we know in crossing catching day later than noticeable

For this fair maiden was a banquet prepared by the way with later
tables festively adorned with a bouquet of nocturnal blooming gardens
of presentable flowers
watered by classical tears over diverse lost hours.

Is time of such nature that can’t regain intertwined? Would
intuitivity grant moments simultaneous inclined? Would experiencing
time’s passage momentarily declined
cause determination succeeding observing rest recline in such manner
as to play with issues due to education always content with natural
forces view of propagation
in unprecendented progression again set up to begin depression of
leaving a mysterious unified meridian?

Numerous events, problems & prodigies inspire philosophy as do man’s
stealing a day causing much atrocity. Do past experiences now known
summarily add lustre
to what is not widely know in an unabridged cluster?

Would that promise o’new year speak o’life transformed in front of
fireplaces with decorations so adorned or in more humid?

When is a better time for harmony to be empowered than at that
exultuous time where time’s deflowered during respectable spectacle of
calendar’s excite of old year meeting new open to all without invite?

Requiring compare wonder at devotion throughout motion equation of new
year being greater than old by notion realising pleasures can be
occupied treading on grass
despite man’s furtive preoccupation clock to surpass.

Time’s procession don’t seem straight surfaced beneath relationship of
seconds seconded by predicted belieth.

Movement of surprise & dismay’s triumphant never chant appear as
shooting stars & fireworks unanimously haunt.

Fate is not premeditated though prayers are meditated stilling anxiety
instilled in poor thus agitated; congratulations are in order as
church bell’s melody ring in a new year oblivious to forgotten

Kindly remembering of good gains wisdom’s wary flight of conflicting
deliberate choices that could delight, time and again the passing of a
year senses into bliss
of cautious selective discarding of many a dark abiss.

Upon new year dawning this very morning would imagery of personalised
destiny approaching appear’s treachery maintained as priveledge
throughtout your life rather
than losing ingenuity and wonder at memories’ gather?

Effect of mastery of current situations in creation of destiny
signifies participation&resultant elation.

Thinking of&pondering on obstacles new lately run deep in accompishing
pursuant failures accending the steep.

Expansion of family to friends might raise opinions regarding
knowledge by default of proposed dominions.

Pain of transgressions committed dissolve triumphantly as new year’s
resolutions are vowed&woed defiantly.

Satisfaction with religion is linked to an omnipotent traditional
affair in life accomplishing magnificent.

Such is the rainbow of hope pleasing above the cloud of a year gone by
amidst splendid celebrations loud.

A miraculous year of hope awaits alike abrasive & mild as prize
pudding complements compliments & herbs wild.

Random dancing upon solid new foundation of universe encapsulates
forgotten&yet to be introduced in verse.

Would you functionally learn isolation to borrow professing headlines
of newspaper printed tomorrow selfishly seeking interest in slightest
splendour paradoxically pitying disgust of domestic grandeur?

No outcome of time is more trying for virtue frail than tempestuous
temptations as friendships fail, but new year furtively escapes
shallow firmament in determined progression displayed as ornament.

Would spending more time with relatives in motion of faith be relative
to upheaval & checked commotion,but that spending a little too much be
a candid lesson and sending of messages to allies be akin to treason?

Is it that first day would flower’s fragrance enhance and that dancing
a ball today would pleasure enhance?

Be it that this day of 1 January have nough wrought expose of length
of time as thought of afterthought?

The answer to why the new year’s passing is invisible and to why
compex mysteries are solved in time reliable or why at twelve in one
place the world would sway’s to be found in time difference&sprout
depend on decays.

Because you’re given to be sure of what you not forgot it’s to present
the present with bunch of forget-me-not that’s absolutely essential if
not quitessentialy true,
should you perceive the world & wish future to pursue.

Because your original expectations last year shattered and sure enough
unanswered questions were scattered, you now know that culmination of
events in moderation are luck at throw of dice not given to much

Since you cannot accurately determine the opportunistic apprehended by
constant apprehension of altruistic you practice oblique comprehension
that thus inhabit
every year’s passing without notice becoming habit.

Due to poet’s & politicians quoted & misquoted you may in uncertain
correspondence have noted that resolutions serve revolutions to
inhibit, as fading memories pose statuesque as museum exhibit.

Resultant of serious regard to situations humorous,you may stop
behaving naturally appearing glamorous,drinking from flask of liquid
presumably intellectual of life’s water in determining prophecies

It is sad, but true that years bring limited opinions over overt lost
last time & divided differing dominions, that nobody believe & world
leaders do not bemourn grieving over mistakes in a long year’s

Man could in gaining popularity regard above society as appearing
charming though ravaged by iniquity.

Secrets of peace are contrary to those who languish as languid
politicians inflicting much anguish.

Oh what a shame that denounced attendance opinions sway in show of
cultural heritage that basically betray; fanatical manners actually
understood blesses mortal man’s reputation with reckless religious
tresses, giving rise to anger, mistrust and melancholly, foreseeing a
new year of unforeseen folly.

Oh,wouldt be better if menre less pretentious I whisper: Cessation of
intimidation & violence quiver & whimper. Would’t be said that new
year’s waste of time instead?
What’d happen if mere mortals stopped toiling forbread? You will never
see the old year again that’s gone under an overprotective world
heralded out assunder thunder.

The new year has revealed a search for concealing those failures of
old year that were stealing feeling describing a perceived unachieved
countenance as the old year in parting with the new romance.

Never would it be thought such beautiful hymns voice would be sung by
angels who by choice rejoice at evidence of God’s creation all the
while saying that God’s always at work while mankind’s playing.

As the universe changes still we have strawberries and also continued
growing of coveted berries & cherries.

Yes, admittedly though some time change is common, change is sprinkled
with constants as pancake & cinnamon.

The new year once again displays forbidden & permitted. Journey
through time & creation’s with seatbelts fitted. In sleep old year’s
glory may’ve parted thoughtlessly,
forgotten by savouring interest in new year passionately exhibiting an
intuitive change of enjoyed perspective, experiencing the world after
few moments as reflective so that now the material has the immaterial
suspended & connection with befriended old year summarily ended.

Never ending clocks run slower under a shooting star. Music in meeting
impressions are strummed with guitar. Those’ve hummed new year’s tunes
in couplet time double never both near & afar have that difference of

Timeous meetings cause elation ignoring imperfection celebrating
places in contemplation of affection.

The only thing of importance are unclimbed mountains, disturbing
knowledge by defining washing fountains.

Impression of subconscious & unconscious rejection can only be truely
appreciated in conscious connection.

Your memories lift you to a higher level distinguished since your new
year promises of setbacks relinquished.

Inherently at precise time you develop new technique. Your behaviour
becomes orderly: ordinary, but oblique. Entirely strange ideas now
appear illustrating sensuous as renewed perceptions are frustrating

Learning about ability to transcend time in nature results from
self-awareness as you do fully mature, all the while marvelling at yet
unconquered recognition of what really does not exist in startling

Fate knocking at door does not distinguish or discern between rich &
poor. Both wise & fool all have to attend life’s school.

The real world is marginally unpredictable, inhabited by humans both
loving & despicable.

God is indisputable reality, yet not always understandable in totality.

What is right under sun does not add up right at all as equaliser
death cause rich & poor, wise & foolish to fall.

Perspective is dominated by reality. Global view is nominated by totality.

Fate is marginalised as deeds are not tidily categorised as the
righteous does not always get good nor the wicked bad as they should.

Transitory, unsubstantial nature of things leads to chasing after wind
in elusiveness life brings.

Life lived as gift from God ascribes joy & prosperity as peas in a pod.

The overly righteous tries to appear extremely wise, deceptive to
some, yet receptive to none.

Wisdom is preferable to folly, yet sadness is disguised by jolly.

The wicked draw conclusion by implicitly creating illusion.

Life’s circumstances ascribed to God are axiomatic. Eat&drink,be
diplomatic as sad&sorrow is symptomatic.

Sorting through the past you cried about the little things in life you
tried. Time was gone & would never reappear, reminding inevitable
change has brought us here. Both good & bad has made you sad. Knowing
what you need & what you had.

What is accomplished as shadow will reflect from light significance to
know. In certain instances pointing out incongruity requires a fair
amount of ingenuity. It’s incongruous man’s work may advantage some
not know & may be destiny, but contrary to expression reap as sow.
It’s incongruous that nothing’s achieved from joy mean as no man can
know benefit of toiling multiplying dream. Wisdom ironically lacks
power to preserve & alter fate even though for time may preserve &
guide before too late.

Significance of life as it were must be found in life Discovery will
only be possible when disregard strife Life does not merely transpire
as man would fashion with relative value of wisdom evident in

Better a poor and wise youth songs to sing than he who still does not
have an inkling
as old and foolih king.

As gravity’s numbers capture do though nature glide simulated matter &
comprehension is assimilated aside.

Far beyond universe occurs enormous fluttering, achieving quantifiable
coincidental cluttering.

Perceptive news is limited by means of pale vale idealising profound
writing as defined unfound tale.

Dimensional asteroids encapsulating telescopic lance beyond realm of
conceptualised notion thus enhanced.

Sequencial repetition of natural transitions crown with geometric
gemstones of realtional alchemy blown out of proportion to
extraordinary leaps enquired partially obeserving expired particles so

Apparently chaotic popoulations inhabit repressaddress so as to assess
pompousness in redressing confess attributing dress to characteristic
undress intimacy tracting human mysterious discussed writings eficacy.

Exemplified universal unity still bears serious qualms with summarily
disunified conduct inducing qualms, determining simplistic and digital
character proud gaining attachment to numerous aggressivess state

Influential interpretations influenced auspicious latch of door to
untangled attributes not knotting requiem  so noted that in harmonious
notes here in a cross catch what traditionally inan independent world
sanctify them.

Misalignments & anomalities do not serve to grieve despite divine
proportion still visible though stain of too little to late is cause
for just unjust believe in incidetally created coincidences in
gematria chain.

Obvious connotations represent exact first thoughtfully alluding to
revolving constellations resoling known own pairing contrast with
significant association haughtily that ultimately signifies mankind’s
disown of unknown.

Unclear number correspondence orunes adapt to indolence, but by no
means clarifies mysteries represented by soul such as is chanelled in
folklore by represent fragrance, leaving immersed bark to shoal and
totem tree to coal.

Common knowledge may provide manifestational wisdomfree favouring
mythological suggestions of scarlet anguish that substantiate
derivates of authority in jeapordy as death with a last caress under
cypress so relinquish.

Fleeting wealth is representing systematic dress caress in paralleled
dine surely sharpening meaning eglantine. These don’t serve reading
discerning deserved happiness  at esoterical crossroads celebrated
with wine & whine.

Religious authorities are relics in overt museum dream displaying
clear authority understanding meaning wise. At the end of all things a
team predistinguished a ream
of valued cyclic patterns elisciting despondent cries.

In the wilderness fiery desire is in wishing wood pile to have
preference by reference to equivalent dolomite, questioning worded
letters questioning string forawhile that are interpreted to bright
invocation&charm insight.

Correspondence suggest shade would develop meaningmould of continued
importance as perfunctory headings shine. Coincidetal coin equivalent
befalls silent spade gold &n seasonal personal preference obviates
select shrine.

Unlike reality that in transcendental subtitutes shone  statuesque
statues differed differntially from one cone frozen in solid
fascination with philosophies’ newbloom
that substitutes a subterfuge supposing opposing doom.

Now presupposing accurate direction of imaginary breeze is conducive
to germanic perceptively actually sneeze figuratively at notobe
sneezed@rational irrational brew
then virtual reality would’vessential entering withdrew.

Assembly formulates assembled written formula appeared apparently on
the brim of grim aspects that are feared by ingrained solutions of
grain in area where we stay
that in particular usually would not ordinary clay sway.

Poets outline history goingbeyond dominance overwrought for want
o’practical connections represented in thought of traditinal
transition of transitional holy slumber
accumulating in earlier total that reveals in number.

A notable noteworthy bright sight is a magical mellow undiscovering
discovered recovered illusion of yellow that signifies insignificance
of recognicant recognise,
causing impertinent noble imperial to try to improvise.

Representing nothing but analysis of the infintive are the raised
utterances of power that are intricate in corresponding and telling an
untold particular story of literally interpreted literature pertaining
to glory.

Significant periods include people’s unfair banishment to lesser
habitations as deemed proper by establishment as would be considered
appropriate to factors so forlorn that misappropriating of motioned
notions cause to mourn.

Wind in air, water waves and fire smooth what are rough against the
background of conceptions that are enough to proclaim deficiencies of
similar aspects of amenity
that source derived flows that are reduced to brevity.

Infinitely willed lies to the ignorant appear wonderous between
sequestration of truth appear now thunderous so as to boistrously loud
proclaim misconceptions aloft
diffusing a once incandescent glow perceivably soft.

Greatest brilliance is interrupted by a foolish reply to those
deceived by guarded secrets masked by a lie.

What early damage befell such represented revered hedge words cannot
tell as untruth dumped divine overt edge.

Type classified as simplthing brings refrain of profane whilst
determined throng terminated wrong train disdain to coax expressed
hoax necessitating unnecessary foam, in the process erasing hobbies as
bobbies go on home.

In the beginning was created man in mere mortal infancy given life’s
equidistant distaning of such despondency so as to symmetrical
thinking trick asymetric fantasy, hence trickling triggered falacy
excluding rare extacy.

Imminent perfection attempt absolving reproachful place significantly
imploring remainders of deficient grace, simultaneously describing
parameters distinguish frills
adorning man’s remainder nourishing bed of daffodils.

Commonly used adjacent fascination factors bid adieu to conventionally
old fashioned times eventually new in particular modern attributes as
produce does return to original considerations simmered by learned urn

Man once vertical now horizontal beqauthed disbelieved diagonal
triangular notion of trinity as they breathed constantly seek
consistent elusive omnipotent endeavour
dedicated to release of mundane oppressiveness for ever.

Only true love would heal my wounds in being apart, unable to find a
sweet angel to heal my broken heart. As every pot has lid, afraid I
don’t, as may boil over, looking past obvious,seeking greater meaning
discover; not being accepted in my wishes, as much as I’m unaccepting
of many issues, seeking spirituality, in contemplation, yet
inadvertently succumbing to temptation, an insignificant drop in the
ocean, an impertinent nobody with vision, an infant in finesse &
slumber, yet that zero on a contract when added after a number could
multiply the value thereof tenfold, similarly I could add value
untold, but am unhappy & modest though having capacity for greatness,
behold & lo.

With nothing but ocean surrounding dangerous turn of events it is non
the easier trying to figure what was happening.
In constant haze, an impenetrable mist met measured gaze- engulfed in
more murky ozone.

Reality where time & space have different rules repeat reported,
implying doorway exists tween reality & another celestial brother.
There may be window wherein phenomena intrude reality distorted,
seeming infinite cosmos is substantiated by theory of relativity.

The speed of light represents not barrier, but a transition between
realities in longeivity. Equations show that, once the speed of light
is exceeded carrier of kind mirror universe exist in which laws of
nature delight in being opposite to those in our own world as we know.
To reach this place without traveling at the speed of light
requires passage through an inter-dimensional window. The occurrence
of these naturally occurring linked conjunctures through space and
time are increasingly believed to exist, like a tunnel that punctures
the everyday flow of time and space to desist, acting as shortcut
between different parts of the universe, possibly indicating existence
of portal dissension through which people and ships can slip at random
terse, acting as a doorway to another dimension.

Explore past lives with unlimited potential to manifest starlight
dreams of constellations. Carefully wants and needs full eventual gift
moonlight wish of night sightations.

Understand present spiritually wise with faith hope and destiny
ceremony; united lovers recall ocean attracts luck rise,presenting
love charm encourages testimony.

Awareness, powers and prowess, through visualisation ability advises;
thought fully understands under full caress as moonlight moves on
peaceful surmises.

Ensure fidelity, happiness and success of ultra excellent silence of
antique conformation; creatively attach delicate address – rainbow
promises happiness and restoration.

Enhancement relives coral lo’ tide duty; sacred visualisation of
setting sun travels decision. Rekindling of love or passion enhances
beauty; promote universal peace and love vision.

Dawn until noon reflected appearing night. Acknowledge and express
comforting names; generosity of travel by sea desires twilight whilst
dreams & reality allow essence of games.

Focus on granting wishful morality & compassion,through good
immediately do secret love discover. Night brings awareness of passion
afore clairvoyance shall silver candle recover.

Suggest image in mind’s eye presence to revitalise prized attraction
of prosperity protectively; alternatively hope in despair of
convalescence, associating channeled power effectively.

Gift overall are open skies, forgiving; blossoming friendship grants
gentle synergy.
Sunlight under lights of stars is believing in night of full moon energy.

Dawn until noon reflected appearing night. Acknowledge and express
comforting names; generosity of travel by sea desires twilight whilst
dreams & reality allow essence of games.

Focus on granting wishful morality & compassion,through good
immediately do secret love discover. Night brings awareness of passion
afore clairvoyance shall silver candle recover.

Suggest image in mind’s eye presence to revitalise prized attraction
of prosperity protectively; alternatively hope in despair of
convalescence, associating channeled power effectively.

Gift overall are open skies, forgiving; blossoming friendship grants
gentle synergy.
Sunlight under lights of stars is believing in night of full moon energy.

What one sees in the mirror is deceptive unless to renewal one becomes
Time & patience provide a certain ambience. Instead of attachment
practice lenience. Gratitude for each day is sufficient, although past
denial&future belief may be ambivalent. Yet the eternal now is

Each forgotten day will with long distance also bring unexpected
surprises found in exciting everything. What belongs to others is
unfortunately not ours, yet all may experience joy of summer flowers.

Participation may result in renewed vision. Also solitary moments are
required for revision. Only on realisation can an important path
start. Then after trivial happenings sadly we depart. Time doesn’t
await instantaneous gardens flourishing.
Repetition bears reluctance permanence reliquishing. Achieving the
great may in due course be detrimental As soon enough future
considerations become eventual.
Beginning with dream,missing best often consequential.

God is indisputable reality, yet not always understandable in
totality. What is right under sun does not add up right at all as
equaliser death cause rich & poor, wise & foolish to fall.

Perspective is dominated by reality. Global view is nominated by totality.

Fate is marganalised as deeds are are not tidily categorised as the
righteous does not always get good nor the wicked bad as they should.

Transitory, unsubstantial nature of things leads to chasing after wind
in elusiveness life brings. Life lived as gift from God ascribes joy &
prosperity as peas in pod.

Sorting through the past you cried about the little things in life you
tried. Time was gone and would never reappear, reminding inevitable
change has brought us here.
Both good and bad has made you sad, knowing what you need and what you had.

Fate knocking at door does neither distinguish nor discern between
rich and poor.
Both wise and fool all have to attend life’s school.

The real world is marginally unpredicatable inhabited by humans both
loving and despicable.

Fate is as a bird singing solemn song unheard without any word.

What is life but tormoil, unworthy of our toil until we return to the soil.

Driven to despair of life, despondent over strife, taking youth and
vigor as wife, the past is forgotten tense and the future cannot
commence until the present makes any sense.

The boundaries set by human aspiration are not confined to a certain
nation as youthfulness accompanies hope & elation.

Remember the grave of the truely brave whose soul enslave in others
lives to save.

Even if you are not inclined to be interested in mystery of the mind,
your curiosity could awaken as spiritual dimensions are shaken.

Materialistic conception universe no longer satisfies as mysteries of
life & death cease abstractions cries.

Out of ordinary personalities attract you, symbolizing need for
independence & originality too.

Contextually home could become place for reunion of people sharing
ideas as in union.

Remember mortality even in youthful day before unhappy days come as
years may pass when you say I have no pleasure in some.

Simultaneously retaining and returning, paining as the wheel of life
keeps churning.

Enjoy & consider life with your wife. Overcome youth uncouth.

What is accomplished as shadow will reflect from light significance to know.

In certain instances pointing out incongruity requires a fair amount
of ingenuity.
Incongruous work advantageous of those doesn’t know & may be destiny,
contrary to you will reap as you sow. It is incongruous nothing
achieved rejoicing means
no man know future benefit toiling multiplying dreams.

The quality of your sleep may change, populated with various
remarkable dreams to arrange that leave a strong impression when you
wake up from depression.

It is normal for powerful subconscious energies to emerge as turning a
page in your life and changes will surge, but the process is so subtle
in effects that it could be some time before you notice the defects.

Notwithstanding the confusion, I realise even friendship is an
illusion. After all, how could we be friends, but never met just
because we’ve chatted on the Internet.

Believe what you want to. Believe what you feel in your heart. What
you want can come to you. Like the throwing of a dart to a prelocated

Love can transcend time & spaces. Your spirit could travel to far away
places. If you don’t feel the same about me too, I’ll move on & in
time forget about you.

Maybe in time you will forget or even regret what could’ve been when
I’m nowhere to be seen.

I wish you well. What will happen henceforth only time will tell, as
even the wind blows south or north.

In a full circle, where things begin, so also they end. If a heart is
torn what could then mend?

Every flower that blossoms in nature is not seen. Sometimes things
happen not as we wish could’ve been.

Perfection: One’s sentence

Your dreams and aspirations reflect true care since poetry viable
affords reliable rewards in prayer.

Tell you, what, don’t choose, don’t refuse, don’t lose – worth
remembering valuable lesson: don’t cook own goose.

Your spirit is steadfast as a rock, because your foundation is built
on a block, provided you’re not patronised by a woman in a frock,
relinquishing after retaining key for every lock.

You loved, but flower’s wilting was anticipated. Sometimes friendships
blossom like a beautiful flower, but don’t always last forever as is
evident. The sad thing about life is that nothing’s permanent.

Seasons change, new loves blossom, the earth itself tremors.

Kind words are in transition evoking, both inspiring & thought provoking.

Powerful presence of word acquisition is also evident in poetic composition.

Please be assured of friendship, kinsmenship & companionship. Even for
those dearly departed to whom you may have devoted requiem: in honour
of those noble men remember forever your prayer: Amen.

Various happeninings continue to continually occur, despite
indications to the contrary.

Ways hypothetical remove concept. Confirmation of duty have similar
feelings reprieving. Function clearly is unjust desire, inept.
Correspondingly shown methods necessitate believing.

Occurred yield differs with majority stare. Mentioned way indicates
remove. Powerful emotions recommend compare. Supremely inadequate
discuss thought smooth.

Logically intentioned appraise beautiful. Number incompetence do
current genuine desicrate. Worldly sequential knowledge accounted for
bountiful. Object sequence consequentially concentrates on consecrate.

Experience of principle crate creates behavior. Imagine calculating
perception as completely affluent. Essential guidelines have instance
of main savior. Residential comparison shows constituent.

Altogether intellectual level is stimulating. Benevolent doctrine is
conscious simulating. Supposed time assimilates experience insulating.
Solutions utilitarian refute saluting.

Consider totalitarian presumably questions all. Presence though
repugnant does certain ask. Justify conclusion with extreme call.
Subsequently consequence has limited task.

Resolved forgotten visualises movement. Observed absolute experience
are as it were. Suffering complete audiovisual salutes refutement.
Morally circumstances in situation occur.

Proposed stance against image obliterate. Solution to instance
resembles arbitrate. Assumption procedurises real discrimate.
Considered ordinary finite finds infinite rate.

Essential produce objects to immediate. Belief balances representation
cynicism. Performing merits property intermediate. Occasional
certainty precludes difficulty criticism.

Major produce whatever perceptible eliminates lament. Justified order
provided perfection. Certainty designates absurd argument. Miraculous
virtue exists as conclusive compulsion.

Mysteriously fidelity affects pretext. Believe infidelity in
ineffectual detect. Support supposed leads to the t to text. Extremely
pre-suppose cause and causal effect.

Tendency particular sees sophisticated. Revealing question makes
particular advance. Miraculous imperative is technically complicated.
Events truly want guidance askance.

Happening vicariously, albeit precariously should not necessarily be
taken seriously.

Extraordinary different creation subjects pantheon. Serious conflict
emphasises empathy with emotivism. Experience genetically pervades
perception of phenomenon. Existence materializes in meta-ethical
naturalism, relativism.

Indirect meta-physical boundaries assume aspect. Procedural logical
concludes art to beperverse. Motivated consideration preserves new in
respect. Self interest recognizes invented persevere.

Moral facts generalize share. Spiritual values allow features. Valued
supposed program differently compare. Undermined right deducts
inductive creatures.

Approach morally what is vague observable. Prepared surely is
difficult, yet not objectionable. View prepared improved equal ration
insurmountable. Necessarily show characteristic considerable.

Conclusively encourage progressive inevitable design. Rationality
persuades pre-existing confirmation. Attitude likewise hypothesises
existential sign. Factors express misinterpretation of narrow

Faith accepted resulting stance in instance learned. Acceptable
discussion observed objective martyrdom. Solution for instance
captivates capital concerned. Rejecting equalities are arising

Philosophy, right or wrong, maximizes invention. Activity questions
forceful kind. Predominantly thousands seek incentive for
intervention. Foundations moral explain complex mind.

Opening beliefs coordinate physical blue. Spontaneously complicated
demands substance. Feeling analyses privileged through. Always
prejudices extreme consider instance.

Comfortable theory boasts relevant distinction. Issues of ethical
actions cause inanimated. Difference follows interest in resultant
extinction. Unfamiliar external is anything except accepting agitated.

Intimidation involves ranged research. Predicament finds system
occasion. Kind absolute occurs immediately in search. Interesting
unconditional principle substances pervasion.

Satisfactory discovering is compatible with other conquest.
Forthcoming approves freedom precisely. Religious inclination entitled
suggest. Doctrine performing way is similarly nicely.

Natural moral intention requires attention. Omnipotent assessment
sometimes personify. Omniscient consequences cause cases of
circumstantial retention. Efficiency of superficial conscious replies
to identify.

Dormant lying truth: Effective increase lingers especially in
embelishment, as interpersonal necessarily recognises regulate;
considering morally imposed accomplishment, mutual meaningful
assumption conceals arbitrate.

Responsibility for limitation is characteristically exclusive,
functionality defines demanding perception; meaning as perceptual
perception is found in time reclusive, realizing stimulation of
patterning instant inception.

Credible impression vaguely emphasises stay, frequently evoking
reference to wisdom’s destruct; occasionally expect a display to
convey, develop actually obstructed construct.

Convey selective expression of extremely destitute, attention
reinforces feeling-determine; conversation believes attention to be
substitute, as aspects of probable experience potentially undermine.

Interpreters recently unethically assume, relationship unfeeling
differs with intimacy; difference provokes encountered mute resume,
natured characteristic affords structured immediacy.

Dynamic extremist offers preferred acceptable handshake, approaching
with attitude that meaningful stereotype infiltrate; component of
cultural role sleeps in boundary wake, taking responsibility for
disrespectfully accentuating eliminate.

Imitation of imagination offers picaresque opinion on picturesque, but
risqué view.

Capitalism literary literally believes beginning, of alternative
musician’s unknown vision; revitalization present is so common
importance bringing, the opportunity deteriorates into melodramatic
rigorous derision.

Agenda performance, promising admirable, continues picturesque
wavering of conglomerate; rapidly existence enters hierarchical era
memorable, of minority wealth decision to treat truth as pomegranate.

Imagine how image dissipation does interest envelop, of
competitiveness odyssey significantly focusing on Saturn; designed
discovery enhances develop, transforming particular peculiar pattern.

Unfalsified uniliateral bravado in stereotyping does not make you a
better person, indicating how to remain undaunted by your dented ego.

Resolved dilemma (Tempting illusions): Challenge requires proportion
to enhance, focusing on exceptional & moreover determination;
exceptional weaving currently appoints trance, offering commitment to
tapestry of instance elation.

Several incremental replacing of severely enormous leverage seeks
transient transformation of anointed; reflect on competitive dignity
of continuity monotonous, thus significantly denying Creativity’s

Observation of expression process has puzzled, in conclusion objective
crisis can be remedied by trust; comment on commitment to knowing
lifetime muzzled, as change concludes lewd feud thrust.

Ask yourself (by way of analogy) – how many mustard seeds that have
had the potential to become great mustard trees, giving rise to the
biggest tree from the smallest seed, have not been hastily
underestimated and crushed, for the purpose so you can add a bit of
mustard to your life? A few too many? Is it not time then to
reconsider. (With uncompromising promising.)

Avenge with revenge – for give avenge and forget.

Phenomenonal reassurance controls revenged hollow, fearing something
culminating in attack of sensation; forceful adequacy declares follow,
to knowledge of additional requiring obvious confirmation.

Unhindered essentially recruit complication, taking complex talking;
enterprising impunity of staking on stalking mute flute; times
reasonable success of successor balking.

Sacrifice taught attention to intention, whilst confusion assembles
successful resemblance; steadily surrender becomes responsible for
instaneous retention of direct violence on intelligence movement

Inspired intentional tension in antagonist, readily does less success
reveal; quit preoccupation with humiliation of occupation of
protagonist, thus martyr provokes incident with quaint squeal.

Enemies affect ineffectual select, attempting at length against
radical; faction policy frequently combines detect, losing danger of
contaminating symbolic periodical.

Concealed control develops necessity of plot tactics to a fine art;
tendency to remove distinguished extremist intensity, makes more
difficult side rescue asided start.

Affair with prestige and power is indicative of ignorance and arrogance.

Continued suffering sacrifices grandiose imperialism, unexpectedly
proving lost power reprimands; instrument consistent with materialism,
condemns across reasonable demands.

Inevitable privilege causes eventual venture, particularly appearance
of sentimental start to thunder; virtuous are involved in despair at
cultivating adventure, promising propaganda blunder.

Dutiful insults aggravate aggregate of solidarity consciousness that
is controversially commercial; solitary familiar infrastructure
frustrates intimate mainstream that fully fledges deliberate

Promptly campaign against exact triumph avenue, concentrating on
enterprises that willingly influence; level of experience concentrates
on continue, forcing constant conglomerated source of superfluence.

Arrival of tendencies together inspire to build critical geographical
incorporate; involvement with isolated disaster bodes forthcoming ire,
that proves condoning condemned world arbitrate.

The countless hour of beligerrent intelligence: Movements of silver
sliver hopefully pretend, manifesting fearfully ultimate motivation,
dire; mobilize inescapable grievance to depend, on powerfully
precipitous, exact desire.

Emphasize condemnation by turning instance, simply tragic is private
inside continent; sacred is anything purporting to support
circumstance, oroduce doubt with sentential sentiment.

Increasingly reach for transformation of separation, elegant hierarchy
accepts valued enchantment; tremendous allowance empties complete
segragration, relevant favour betrays enlightenment.

Profound division inevitably betruths propensity, perspective results
in limitation of identity; affluent freedom is none but imitation of
density, violent resistance potentially causes disaster aplenty.

Being abiding by formality is providing evidence, beginning opposes an
impossibility thus tangled; spectred characteristic appreciates longer
circumstance, hopeful ideology has hidden resistance wangled.

End with vengeance is reclaimed, singly indescribable unsurpasses
momentous arbitrate; emptiness particularly has peculiar divine light
gained, feelings typically can topical dominate.

The discrepancy anthology: Succeed in infamous, yet ultimate
disappointment, ancient confusion inverted outcome; intentions
currently decreased incrementation of appointment, refrained matter is
energetic apathy for some.

Enjoy degrading as finding lost cause, hidden specific has remarkable
incognito prong; ootential instrument invokes emotionally distant
applause, around this melts right from wrong.

Impossibly higher is weakened strength, invention of projection
discontinues use of intrusion; illusion sometimes deserted
dissertation length, enduringly proving being disillusioned with

Declined inclination: Incredible directions intensely masquerade,
omnipotent intolerance overflows with shallowness; sensible creature
pretended to reality invade, logic compassion antiquated modernism to

Collective creature prevented cure, conscious is predominantly outward
in internalization; information intimation is cruel by kindness
demure, isolation epiphany deserves laziness contemplation.

Belonged essence blamed innocence, by desperate eternity of social
shyness; disparaged essentially by state of village preference,
vulnerable exception is granted to highness.

Viably remember destructive construct mend, as indeterminable solution
has deeper shallow end.

Approaching reproach: Realization of semantic unified bears
encouraging distinct, society replaces suspected occurrence; time’s
discontinued distinction tolerated instinct, viable find commits
turning time key in defiance to difference.

Valuable comfort supplies utopian canal, device erupts defiantly
acquainted withmythology; equality estimates continued banal, enquiry
receives misfortune in ideology.

Convince however to take pride in humiliation, represent meaning of
mean mundane with interest in telepathy; utopian might have cruel
compassion by means of contemplation, hierarchy varies by celebrating

Pair repugnant furthers futile hope, consciousness of globalization
does sun overshadow; spiritual encouragement obviously hides reigning
raining mope, anywhere inside insidious emotional distance endow.

Turning from order is friendly enemy of man, romance brought
definitively unfounded belief; sufficient amplification animates
human, thoughts compensate for humanized animal in brief.

Glimpse proceeding to dominant submission, encourage being conscious
of pleasurable suffering; momentum infinitely is desperately unlim by
limitation remission, implement awareness of peaceful violence

Joy & pleasure come not in securing transitory, but in wisdom of
despite contradictory reality gaining God’s eternity. Even new
circumstances experienced by you can bring joy once accustomed to.

Despite a world filled with insecurities for individual belief in God
& faith makes our spirits powerful.

Ambivalent feelings may be experienced simultaneously as both wealth &
oppression lead path to wisdom famously.

Pleasant it is to the eyes to see the sun. Rejoice as the days may be
many, but this lifetime only one.

Remember mortality even in youthful day before unhappy days come as
years may pass when you say I have no pleasure in some. Simultaneously
retaining & returning, paining as the wheel of life keeps churning.
Overcome youth uncouth.  life with wife considering

What has been discarded and described as mortal sin has philosophy
regarded that where we ended so also we begin.

I freed three trees: Once I stood a full hour to three under the shade
of a lonely tree, wondering why I precedes thee when the thought
prevailed suddenly that there’s distinction ‘tween he & she
and the opposite of captivity is to free since as the case may be a
fish is unescapably confined to the sea as romance is oft he & she and
even ministry can be merry in a happy county as you look forward to
see another country not arrested, but free, unaware of leprosy,
ignorant of agony, walking on foot, not on knee, invisibly,
remorsefully, arbitrarily, nought to see.

Be strong to get along: A man with muscles oh so strong was pulling a
heavy weighted cart along, along the road passing a crag, not knowing
jag, but wanting to brag, wonting for lrics of song to sing, oft
inclined to jargoning, deliberating colloquially, whistling jovially,
following a straight line, not as much as pausing to dine, thanking
God for the day he was born, passing the time on that sunny morn, not
wanting for a dime his pockets to adorn, not concerned ’bout bread nor
corn, momentarily entranced by a bleating foghorn, seemingly oblivious
of his shirt so torn progessing slowly though feeling forlorn,
greeting all with smiles, not scorn.

The wind doth blow o’er feet & head as it dost o’er friend & foe
captured or fled.

A bird flew as the wind blew o’er grass emersed in dew, not having
angel’s wings not halo to follow though the fairbreast do in passing
through the sleepy hollow solemnly muttering hallo.

The musician now blows soothingly an oboe in thought that although he
fought with arrow & deleberating on deliberate boe or bow though
inevitably the breeze doth blow in thought.

Bliss is prefarable over woe in fair weather in restraining aiming a
crossbow being peacefully together.

Far below the snow dost go as the wind wails in a message to impart
also filling with cold air the sleepy hollow, coldly amusing itself
with the lover’s heart.

A star at night shining bright ceems warm, not cold, as clouds unfold,
scattering now left & then right, illuminating emerald hues so I’m

The mist is even visible at the night as mist mysteriously winks at
mister cloud savouring the mystical contrite masterfully masting a
mere shroud.

The pale moon white hugs horizon tight beyond the sun that once was
gold, basking with fright in universe’s light height, holding
attention so beautiful to behold.

The emerging night light creates a romantic mood where the soul
catches flight where once heroes stood.

One does not need to be affluent to be cute as the clock points a
finger in moving a hand and after sunset what’s the purpose of a mute
flute when morning awaits in a distant land.

On far prairie in fair weather every day’s the same as God’s creatures
are free to go as and hence they came.

What was last now is first perchance engaging in penance as mercifully
clouds do burst, not charging no pence in trance of penitance.

Cleansing water’s an element sent meaning no less as waters bless,
turning lament to sentiment, trespassing in the silentness.

Drifting winds do so with constraint, billowing in innate figure of
speech not bothering to exercise restraint as the wind the fair breeze
pauses to teach.

The once leafy tree now serves as a pole, voices are quited previously
loud; what happens to man’s soul when such wanders over a cloud?

A lost treasure is seldom returned, in silence sound is bound, no
picking has been discerned in arching a straight line into a circle

Man’s spirit passed on’s referred to as belated, corn gold foerever
loses the green in progress loss is abated, the hidden’s not to be

There’s distiction between are and were, bad is realised in absence of
good, in perpetual motion what’s here’s now there and of necessity to
ignite fire would use good wood.

There fears here, the old is lost in renewing, where everywhere’s
waiting in queue on cue of one’s own doing.

Hear what will rear when alone is one ere you lend an ear to off and on.

In fear visible nears, then disappears, adding two to seven also makes
nine divine, don’t heed restless gossip in gossamers & meres as
darkness emphasizes a glimmered shadow shine.

Along the clock’s hand, the hour’s still small, being young & in
command, climbing hill considering all. Youth glamorous ever & anon as
the earth’s forever round, anonymous millions remaining anon pause to
listen to thunderous sound. What is wealth without health or wisdom
telling withal when momntous gaining of stealth fares well in any
bright hall.

Many feet meet there, savouring goodies sweet, not pausing even for prayer.

I sigh about what I see with my eye, observing the thump of a lump
bidding yes to eyes that cry bumping into a huge trump. Butterflies
fly in the sky, fungi favours a rock, by and by an effort to try is
attempted by weathercock. Should I lie ’bout what I saw in the sky and
how my feelings were stirred by aspirations reaching high making the
unheard of heard. What sadness prevails when mortal men die as the
ocean ends at beginning of land when a friar doth lowly fry in taking
a superior stand. Is it only me who’s lonely? Will all things be
granted to those who pray? Do people need company? What excesses are
required to be merry & gay?

Copper shades of brown inevitably must rust, what goes up must come
down, disgusted by disguised wind gust.

The howling billowing wind blowing over those wanting of wont striding
behing telepathy of mind, chanting either hurried can or can’t.

Lovers holding one another’s hand after praying at mass for a wind
driven mast leave foorprints in seasand, commiserating passed past,
gazing faithfully at the heaven, commemorating requems past, receiving
what is given, at last relinquishing lost blast.

At the height of noon spooning an appetising tune as man devours meat
of beast midyear June in reality watching a cartoon that at the most
could be doh least.

Whistling while whiling the time for a while, purposely being happy
instead of cross, amazed at a whale swimming in the Nile, tossing a
pebble at rock beneath moss; gaining membership of a clan,
deliberating over climbing over a mountain high pondering on hobbies
as man can restricted to walking below inviting sky; being reminded of
passing time by ringing church bell, warmed by both chimney smoke &
cloak, feeling well as pride doth swell, choking an oak with sticks to
poke; sharing a hug with a friend so fine, relenting that what’s hers
is his, seeking jug with water aline
shyly stealing but one single kiss; interpreting words wise men spoke,
be these applicable to me, marvelling at the slowly growing oak,
bowing a timeous wooden courtesy.

Is there truth in the say implied in all averred reverred that he did
a lion slay after it devoured an avery bird? Was he really away
needless to say in arrears of upper area near where the lionesses lay
as they may preyfully thin though seemingly sincere? Could he sense
recognaisance when to all his feat he did declare reversing an act of
vengeance when shooting into the air? Could he keep the lion at bay
while being sadder & wiser, yet forlorn when his countenance lay in
this act having met with scorn? Did that lion haunt him at night until
he rose in the morn gaining delight as noble knight for all his trophy
to adorn?

Elementary grace is personified by lace as humility can also be found
in great, facing what has been lost without a trace, while opening the
gate for unexpected mate.

Solemnly do go thought frighting at lost almost trotting to & fro in a
row while playing host to a ghost.

Sun’s gay ray aways the grey, shouting about in & out despite dismay
concerning way of May about recovering from gout.

In state lay straight a brave man far away, now berated by the grate
of a gate, having fallen prey to farewell pray.

I was listening to a whistle the crew blew thinking it would be nice
to throw a dice to see who knew to choose new two too having achieved
luck, not twice, but thrice.

At heaven’s gate we’ll see those fine men again, marvelling at their
chivalry; for me sunken treasures are b-less precious than to be free
and liberty and salvation akin to eternity.

Life’s meaningless, so is death, aimlessly moving to and fro, the
heart breaks with a single breath, descending to below.

An endless entering of more doors, discarding & ignorance of powers,
wandering along endless floors, hated by people, but greeted by
flowers, stale is the pale air here, beauty goes beyond what eyes see,
would I have been nobler as a queen, assembling useless knowledge

Empty is the cup from which I drank, free is the buck that hath flee,
forever emersed is the ship that sank. Unseeing is the gazing eye,
dull is the obscured bright, no hidden marvels can I aspy, crooked are
branches of tree upright.

Blue becomes mud at end of tide, people believe what they hear & not
see, you can feel sad e’en at yuletide, invisibles are boarders of

Important’s moved aside in time bide, silent are words once fervently
spake, stationary now is ride as I abide, what’s been lost without
cause or sake.

The eyes are closed below uplifted brow, tired of trying am I, no more
living, merely surviving in eternal now, not bothering any more knot
to tie.

I no longer weep, no more marvel at a favourite dress, hardly pausing
for rest or sleep, seeking ugliness in loveliness.

I’m akin to woe, moving far from what was close, moving to, not fro,
judging neither friend nor foe, feeling prick of forms surrounding

I do not own what I did rent, having another caring for other, in pent
up feelings not repent, not identifying with sister or brother.

I ignore the sun, but notice the cloud, breathe with increased
heartbeat the air,
listening silently at proud boisterous loud, having given up on trying to dare.

Many have I in ignorance offended, wasted in earning a living are
thoughts of mind,
my life continues as a butterfly’s cocoon ended, rising in flight, of
necessity leaving burden behind.

The primary colour red is noticeable in erupted valcanoe’s spray,
leaving trace elements in books yet unread, tarrying to pack away an
ecyclopedia tray.

Both insecure and adventurous is the edge on the mountain where
faithful friends pray, partitioning reminiscent wedge, stagnating in
progression alway.

There parables of dread pause so as not to tread in the path of a boy
wandering ahoy, at the passover a bowed head passes bread while joy
may be found with idea to toy.

Despite all the sun remains bright as she the shadows see, illumiating
with red a glow of white, reastricting excesses exceedingly.

What is thought here also once were there, as red and white merged on
book’s cover’s pink now, having been heir to bare pages I bear by brow
of hair, even though having amassed knowledge unseen by thou.

Some degree of trepidation it takes to be fond of unsighly snakes of
various makes; some unfrozen water’s left in the pond, concealed as
fakes by ice & flakes.

Some residue precariously remained when trading joy for distress; some
anonymous are found amongst those named and some wakefulness despite

Some degree of pain results in spiritual gain and warmth, youth &
vigour are cradled by old & cold; in repetition again obscure realises
main reminiscent of many tales told.

Some sun still hides behind thunder so loud as not one, but many in
sorrow opt for shroud; some lucidness is in sleep & weariness in
awake, as equal in importance as make & break.

Some shapes materialise in straight line bend and some restful truth
evades lying; some stangers are but yet an unmet friend as here, there
& everywhere life’s left despite dying.

Had I known I own my own destiny in my unknown youth, that may have
belong to me that now I do not own and instead of falacy I would’ve
seeked truth. Had I known seddling could become trees tall and that
even futile efforts are not in vain, I may have graced a nobler hall
and more meaningfully thought with my brain. Had I known that homes
are partitioned in room and despite what’s below there’s divine love
above, I doubt if it would’ve been wisely advisable to groom, the wild
horse unmounted referred to as love. Had I known there is diversity in
what seems same
and favoured peace moreover disdain, I could’ve undone what’s been
done and not have repeated the same mistakes again. Had I know there’s
more blessing in giving than take that mortal man are all in Christ
one another brother and many pastels can eminate from enlit rainbow
pale I would’ve understood hypocrite’s false pride to other

Be strongly attracted to person’s original side, yet liaison won’t
last, because person won’t abide. When confronted with daily routine,
it will tend to become unstable & person unseen, because no longer fed
by passionate mean and excitement that characterized the begin.

Sometimes the sharp break with ties from the past such as because of a
move could make you feel lost, but will have positive effect free old
conditioning and enable new roots without subjugated wishing with
enriched understanding of world that’s too fast.

Transformation’s yet possible inasmuch as change is rife: I don’t know
if I’ll ever find a noble someone to complete this jigsaw of my life,
as I relentlessly turn down wrong path in wanders nocturnal, wondering
at maze of intelligence opposed with
dejection of ephemereal.

With some of my love, regardless of circumstances permit, cordially
coming from romance’s treasure trove: Fancy a cordial invitation to
wild ride in my chariot?
I remain, in sensuality, spirituality & sponateinity truely yours
sincerely, albeit responsibly & discerningly, with affection

Unforgettable evaluation of experience in array in terms that would
vary in stay alongway for those other men slain; ‘twould be possible
to catch another train; much of literature’s created at night,
its metaphors & analogies seemingly come to light; form fixed bowers
to images of towers, poetically adept in describing showers; in
accepting love swells the lover fells; illicit tree, eliciting
romance, dwells, lovingly tells of carried infinite numbers infinitely
wild qualities & symbols valued by inner child.

Universal order & quiet pervaded by scream imply implications of
explicit dream. Earlier stood frequently appearing stud, misunderstood
bearing blood dual in mud. In descriptive poem away is prey in itself
ultimately stay in relation doth pray. Merely escapism could be done
on the sly for belieth in latter to conveniently try.

Used, then convenienty cast aside, living, yet not having a place to
stride, in incongruous non-conformity assigned to iniquity of

In entramorphic expression, comparing human traits of peacefulness &
aggression, imperatively emphasizing misconception & relying
eventually on redemption, lacking sufficient security & constantly
eluded by prosperity, not considering what should favour priority,
continually opposed with difficulty.

The thought, though incomprehensible, appeals to me, but some stones
are better left unturned, you see. Furthermore in revolving world of
evolving calamity, nobody truely understands resolving me & I doubt if
anyone ever will, knowing strife & confess to never having been a

The flowers caressed by the dew doth grow; the paths of men lead not
where we know; no man knows how the mountain is high; no one can tell
how far gazes the wistful eye; no one knows for how many an hour,
prevails the beauty of a single flower; no man can know even by the
sweat of his brow, what fortune future may yield followed by now; no
one knows where the trail may go,
once such steps are covered by fall of snow, no man knows whether
after summer’s day, he’d still in spirit be cheerful & gay; no man can
discern relity from dream, when such is glorified by the sun’s beam;
no man can completely evade despair, for inasmuch as the sun shadows
pervade there; no one solitary may remain; when fortified with
friendship’s gain; no one comes into thi world without being born;
inasmuch as the night is preceded by morn.

Emmersed below the sea are treasures for wealthy; above the sun’s
warmth & clear sky reminds healthy, as seaweeds in the sea despite
wave continually remain seastars & seahorses find untimely lost hearts

Men’s regrets at relishing love is found, lingering in memory as the
pasts hound by fake responses & stirring motions unbound, levelling
powers circling the planets round.

The air lighted by the star’s fire does sway, impatient lovers to
reverently bow & pray for protection by angel’still wings of loved
ones away, living for the future reminiscing of the past today.

Fears may cease tumulting in a unreflecting valley, walking in beauty
the present follow many hidden alley in presenting fine wine generous
dainties to tarry, ceasing in fears as savouring souls in love to

In the springtime, church bells may chime; What goes upward, must come
downward; whose not a hero, but a bird is not necessarily a coward;
for even words that do not rhyme; could be meaningful given time; thus
in the evening, the day acquires greates meaning; as at fair night, a
broader perspective comes in sight, if you aspire to find, one that is
caring & kind; you may live,
in memories to give; as you can not tell, when’s the time to bid farewell.

It’s impossible important events occur simultaneously; memories of the
past offer consolation timeously.

Nature can only be enhanced by imagination. Thoughts are conditioned
to induce collaboration. Enchantment is portrayed in life’s every
celebration. Influencing another provides some compensation. Some days
lasting longer is just cause for elation. Thinking & being comes with
patience & participation.

The perennial may be savoured occasionally on way. Life’s memories are
gathered into beautiful bouquet.

A butterfly can hardly be captured as forgotten. Growth may be
exciting; uneaten fruit become rotten. Dynamics of glancing backward &
forward too much could result in not noticing what’s here now, as

It is forever now in the gift of the present bestowed on all, be they
royalty or peasant.

Since time immemorial the hummingbird was to sing and even into
oblivion will be sighted on its wing. Time devoted to favourite
increases importance. Way of life awaiting season increases
significance. Continuum life instinctively progresses full circle. Yet
in imagination lifetime is incomplete for oracle. How far from the
beginning is the end? What will remain when we cease to pretend? Youth
is by far mellower to extend. Loss of flowers gained in fruits may
offend. Herewith bequaths and ode to the transient hour; to fire of
spring devouring bud evolve into flower; to fables agreed upon
considered as history; to summer fading as winter gains its victory.
As the splendours of summer subside, the winds after storms don’t
abide. As night comes the day will hide; waves along the shore are
pushed aside.

I can’t explain why my heart is in pain. Can you feel what’s not real?
Two can live a dream no more than capture a sunbeam.

An ode to the transcient hour: What inevitably goes up invariably must
come down. Drinking from an empty cup. Trying to erase a frown. The
fragrance of a flower once picked evaporates.
How can one progress one hour confronted by closed gates?

Following a rainbow, reaching for a pot of gold. A nightingale after
sunset at morn, dreaming dreams to adorn. Pursuing the trivial in this
world as destiny into full circle has curled. A warm nest away from
the cruel world. And so the tale unfurled as yet history before was

The moon is rising so uncompromising, seemingly preoccupied, not
conquered, though often tried.

The desires of the heart are not easy to share, for often depart those
who dare and on those barren rocks apart unchartered territory even
for those who care.

Time becomes forgotten as fire becomes cold as even kind friends have
tendency to become old.

Between the core and the peel ripe is the fruit, irreverent moments
when devoured become forever mute.

Clouds rising, hovering in space are suddendly there, then gone without a trace.

The matrix of cosmic realisation is surging as our reluctant
acceptance of reality is emerging.

Memories clustered consciousness rooted time forever as days are
remembered, then moments & finally never.

Constant expansion exists in exchange & experiment; adventure too
inquisitive causes patience detriment.

It is futile to hold or dissuade coming of flowers; fruition, downward
stream, seconds inevitably to hours.

We rely on subconsious inasmuch as we heed conscience. Limited time
brings transcience as plants arrive in ambience.

Creativity in search for a world that is better is an effort guided as
assembling word from letter. Vision of paradise & glorious future
expectations provides hope for future in the heart of all nations.
The future is as unexpected as a daytime moon, inconspicuous, but
misplaced, coming too soon. Nobody can stop inevitable flowers, rain &
seasons; sometimes events occur regardless of intended reasons. Snow
covers mountains. Cold rivers form from fountains. Freezing
intentions. Oblivious to interventions. As time is ripe some things
doth appear As flowers may come early in spring this year. Humanity’s
seeking of understanding will disappear as changeable patterns in
world pass here.

Life’s grand show is eternal. Sunrise somewhere is ephimeral as round
earth turneth, so we learneth. Life is lost in uncaring way as time
steals away the present day, past memory will stay as rare things
vanish. in summer, blossoms we reliquish. Autumn is wasted with rain
as what has blossomed will not bloom again. Those in future, we know
not who’ll they be, grieving in vein for those they cannot see. We are
longing for lasting, yet only ephemeral has value in enchanting,
transitory, briefly existing; water evaporates precipitation snow
melting; forever in the world there is change. Always some things are
out of range.

Those who come in future, we know not who’ll they be, grieving in vein
for those they cannot see. We are longing for lasting, yet only
ephemeral has value in enchanting; transitory, briefly existing
waterbody evaporates after precipitation snow melting; forever in the
world there is change; always some things are out of range. Appreciate
infinite length of a day as soon what was will go away. We experience
in fleeting world once & never again, but beyond undoing things will
never be the same; two puzzle pieces oppose to compete, correctly
positioned may make life complete. Each moment prevails in own beauty
as every tower, perceiving picture now & never again another hour.

Fate should be regarded cautiously, yet reverently, as the world
revolves around axis fervently. The concept of hastening future is
incomprehensibly actually fading as virtual is required more urgently.
Fate obtains much delight in the dreams of man by day & night. Sand
through hourglass does not disappear from sight, but broadens
distinguishing wrong from right. There is some degree provided
delightful anticipation, although nothing remains permanent in God’s
creation. Time may be measured irrevocably by hours, as inspiration
may be obtained from passing flowers.
Perspective may be gained on passing of time demure. Boundaries past
exceeded by fate determining future. In a world that’s forever
eternity will arrange our reluctant knowledge & acceptance of change.
Prediction is complicated by future uncertainties. Structure of winter
& fall more stable democracies. This may result in feeling loneliness
in winter snow as fate often doesn’t indicate appropriate to follow.

Whether weather may change in an hour, day or night; when precisely
trees may wither in past&future right; why leaves fall&shooting stars
are inevitable sight, what perpetually mazed seasons increase fate’s
flight. As nothing abides, no person does perpetually grow. Fragments
broken cannot be similarly assembled again. Extensive degrees are
inevitably melting snow. Fate transforms less require,more often then
we know, but when. Tomorrow’s flowers result from activities today.
What happens now was borne of yesterday. The all can only be measured
in relation to nothing. Concealed beginnings replace another ending.
Impenetrable fortresses wield many secrets untold. Incapability of
comprehension relies on fate unfold. Nothing required to serve as
indifferent interlude. Clocks ticking may not be interrupted even by

Have you realised with some degree of trepidation that you put off
necessary resulting procrastination? Opportunity inevitably produces
sublime  elation.

Feel free to do what you do best, join in chorus singing a song, trade
casual clothes with tie or vest & be sure to get along. Resist
succumbing to disdain, don’t fret about walking as should’ve flown,
enjoy all courses, not just main & share with others as though ’twere
your own. Maintain peace concieving row, appreciate contents seemingly
bare, take comfort in bellowing asmuchas knowing & let your friend
know you care & you’re there. Relate to & compliment your friends’s
sight, take caution not to break the friendship chain, in togetherness
allow both fantasy & aspiration flight & maintain contact or spare
thought ’til meet again. Compromise where you don’t tread on common
ground, nurture, but don’t prune vine of acquaintance fine, find
common hobbies when your friend’s around & allow relationship to
reflect God’s love divine.

Do avoid haughty hastes; don’t foresake FriendShip for another fleet.
Do implore not to want wastes; don’t neglect the sweet flowers’ feat.
Do endeavour to bless those hence unblest; don’t neglect near & dear
yearning for lost dove. Do allow your friend some solitude & rest at
request; don’t descry describe infinitely measur’how dost love. Do cry
about lover’s foolishness related by scribe; don’t intentionally
forget your friend went from view. Do cry in designated time similarly
laughter ascribe; don’t allow hastily meant comment make you feel
blue. Do good, but as you’re not God don’t condemn sin; don’t hesitate
in foolish pride taking most humble in. Do offer tea&cake even if
presenting may cause stir; don’t forget in longing for elusive friend
those here. Do keep working at relationship even feeling resigned;
don’t forget carefully balance precarious give & take. Do feel free to
express what’s on your mind; don’t neglect love, debate hate no
allowance nor make.

Optic reflection in state of constant becoming of eyes provide no such
thing as structurally noticeable lies. Merely decorative mimetic
functions served good guide in aesthetically only uncalled for
discarded to hide, awarded with absolute proposed supposed opposed
pride from reality provides achievable creative basis tried, not
improving, but establishing commitment’s deep leap in conveyance of
defiance of perfection induced sleep, while deliberating deliverance
from significant lament, magnificent efficiency provides satisfactory
content; development of tendency to placidly avoid act blaze;
convenience of efficiency trodden of by herd in graze; deviance from
the path of grace is easy as is narrow; ss the crow flies not
following path is large sparrow; at leisure treasuring gift of
continual flight at will, ignorant of undue pressures yet upward in
motion still within framework thus previous enjoying the thrill so
long as individual self continues with or out frill either placing
human emotions seeking a process until humans’ll not be able to find
path to guide bird lil’.

Solitary stepping suggest wandering wondering lonely cloud.

In itself recognition of regeneration is a must to see as new
generation is state that is never found by he in terms of conceivable
absolutes solitary denotes me of attainable states of being rather
than becoming: we. Would be to imagine as affodable to buy four not
three for nor would mechanism rather than organism say thee, evolving
& filled with unsuspected surprises for free, providing unexpected
potential eventual for growintree, in effect accepting assumptions of
rejection of weeds, what were essentialy a paradox also germinating
seeds, perfection continually growing plants increase foliage, moving
towards self realisation essential for homeage, present purpose remain
little except perchance enhance, explicitly & implicitly dealing with
question romance which preceded opening of section for mild & the meek
whether ceased finding expression in weathered speak, manifestation
failure prohibits ultimate triumph peak; predecessors’ dramatic inner
monologue seek furtive peek; predecessor foregoing know not what to in
inner see, in dramatic monologue of clouds solitary above blue sea.

Despite geographical location, may God provide divination navigation,
symbolically speaking regarding culture in flight of turtle dove and
vulture. I pray today God grant me: Peace, understanding & forgiveness
as it may understanding culture&knowledge of geographical locations
and for those in heaven: well-deserved vacations.

The premises of the law is to control & curtail any injustices and
atrocities. May God’s justice and His voice be heard even by the
smallest bird. May God proclaim with a voice like thunder for all
these demons to go away and go asunder. As the church bell rings, my
heart sings many. God will not be tempted by any. I will not
indefinitely endure this agony. God will send legions of angels to
protect children & I. This is possible by God in charge of universe &
sky. The bad will fall, the wicked will no longer have all. God’s will
shall prevail. Even where humans may fail. These are passing things
and quieting bands, but the Lord still stands. God will send angels to
fight against demons unclean for the largest battles the universe has
ever seen. Those having done wrong will be recognized for greed. For
I’m God’s creation & He will not forsake our need. Oh, the glory of
God is so great indeed.

May God’s justice prevail where we see mankind fail. Too many will
wither in the storm yet to come.
God will severely deal with those doing harm to some. Tears will
become rain, pouring into buckets & torrents, sweeping up those who
caused terror in path ends. God will severely deal with responsible
for demise, although this may come as a surprise. The winds will howl;
the storms will break as God decides who next to take. Then suffer the
innocent no longer. Peace be upon him and her as calm descends and
peace restored. The injustices of those will go on record. I am
fighting for peace, justice and mercy. Protected by God. May God have
mercy. Those guilty of trespassing and transgressing, for those will
be severely dealt with meaning. I pray that God will punish wicked
people profane who foolishly use God’s name.

It may come as a surprise, so I shall surmise that poverty not
necessarily denotes illiteracy. The pen and so the keyboard is
mightier than the sword. Thus I’ll write this, as I reminisce on my
own accord.

How do I deal with my grief, immeasurable beyond belief? Then again,
I’m feeling fine. Man may be mortal, but God is divine.

Fears that may cease on first looking on at reversion on leaving
friends at an early hour’s intention, tables turned in postulation of
youth & age position reply to time real & imaginary during convention.
‘Tis said ’twas mornin’ by dimension when some travelled amongst men
in reversion died for love’s sun & shower aversion. World’s too much
for us in thoughts diversion on subjugation of character essentially
lines written, quintessentially in dejection, stating, irreversible
irreverent fare thee well, though’t may seem irrelevant, Spirit of
Solitude been defined frequently with unceasing sublime certainty,

You will easily make contact with your beauty ideal which you will
project into what is real or on a person that you love without being
aware of the illusionary side of what is there. You could even be so
occupied with seeing the beautiful images in your mind being that you
could refuse to see constraining reality as it be. Romantic deceptions
are frequent under astral influence, because there is a tendency to
idealise any innuendo and not recognise your partner’s faults, aghast
only, to be later disenchanted once this period has passed.
Intellectually perceived presence forcibly colour hues, purposely
purposefully perplexing vexing lame excuse; frequently definition in
terms of positive could sad, conversely quality disregarded in
composition is glad. An elemant of truth is in trivial partially
appreciate, however impartial partial provides cause to deliberate
statements stirring recurring occuring to contemplate whereas
reoccurring consequently questioning frustrate. Peace settlement has
been settlingunsettled concerning division into numerous societies of
old discerning solitary islands presented as bountiful, but yearning
in unprecedented publicity ploy presented as fearing respecting, but
in matters of economics disappearing, having survived morally older
generation reappearing, regeneration and penetration proportionately
steering in portion socially related proportionately peering political
ideals & ideas departuring attentive hearing point with precision to
assumingly impossible learning slight importance in question is
guarded & guaranteed, by difference major significance differentially
Exploitation’s often at odds with creative creed, contrary to
sufficient success to secondarily succeed. A limited number have
capacity for spectacular speed; advanced opinions distinguished herd
from tho whoheed & in final time finalisation notes no elementary
need, denoting ready compositions of lyrical songs read from quite
independence to assertiveness of form, seeming quite independent
though confirming to conform; entirely the meaningful universe’s legit
in legitimacy, necessarily obstinate ostensibly conspiring conspiracy,
sustained regent experience increasing regenerancy, despite difficulty
trading efficient current currency, obstructing obscurity is familiar
intimate intimacy, qualifying qualities of legends leaving many a
legacy, preliminary uninspiring & even eventually unintentional dealt
in large measure with two- & three-dimensional absurdity’s obscured
question quotient consequently consistently providing natural
effectively efficiently conditions of vicious calamity of tidal waves
vividly, surfaces in timidity mermaid singin’plaintively merely.
An important instrument is solemnly played at dusk eve,
surreptitiously discarded as fantasy so as not believe emotional
intesity of angels’s song of propensity,hark! Melodiously failing to
make distinction ‘twixt a lark; approaching reality tries in itself on
ties to Paradise, constituting own terms I surmise could result in a
rise, assuming stifle thrill of frill is nigh on impossible, presumes
resumes in trifle of rifle to file, fill & fulfil at will in immense
density of emotional intensity & care, not, in other words, limited
to, but structural everywhere, acquiring propensity for both remaining
& coming soon, meaning structure & restructure occasion of poem at
noon, lifting veil of human emotion & imagination curtain main,
presenting ironical situation therein uncertain brain, on one hand
meaning fantastic & structure on other fantasy, conversely
occasionally intermittently addressing himhe while pleasures of
imagination foresaw clawing at awe, as girdle of fascination tore
revealing sore to see saw condemnation feels justified by feeble
hypocrite’s feel, pot o’gold know rainbow steal is steel peel lost
As we are here of this earth but a piece where the ignorant clash we
shall prevail in peace. Perhaps it is of significance the saints to
appease, having enormous impact in an effort to please. There is but
temporary elation in contemplation of pies, but perhaps
sympathetically definitely plaintive cries. Significant strides are
made as new horizons doth rise as temporary arbitrary altercation
causes in her pries after much deliberation there’s no awarded gift
prize, given varying matters without much variation to arise during
recession & intercession of meet there’s meal meat taken after much
alteration during arbitration per seat; jokes though pathetic are
lethargically casted as light in development following initial
difficulty may or might, moving individuals to liberty in considering
the plight, proposing that insight in religion offers soul delight
while sole beings’ lives sinful in fear & frightful unscrupulous
morally now sorry insightful, yet sightful, life characterised by
clear flowing transparent streams scream for similar measure of
internal reform sun beams.
God know’s why He sent rainbow as sign in Heaven’s meet. You shall
reap as you sow before your rightful seat, you’ll wear what you sew
when joining throng in song & make stately bow in occasion almost too
great to relate, receiving spiritual gift with bow to
obliterateratefate. There’ll be no more need for toil, throw hoe, rest
ensued, The Word of God’s far more than a novel novel multitude;
sentimentally exerting measures of influence in old age will stop cold
specific forerunners siething with rage; quite simply there’ll be no
more mourning in forev’morn for the most part emotionally escaping
from lost scorn, comparing the universe with the confines of your
porch, carried emotional occasional philosophical to scorch in the
sun’s rays blazing at the vine twining around the fine symbolic truth
that abounds as earth is round; man’s existence irreversibly altered
perceived by eye, irrevocably called to salvation passing the altar by
the holy cities shimmeringly glisten as angels hasten in conceiving
spirituality listening believing fasten.
Dynamically repress what variously you curiously hear. Express today &
have your say even though dismal & drear. As a fowl apprehended is
then represented as foul as it did presented a scowl, but neither howl
nor soul, commiserated berated contemplated & commended more aloud
than might sometimes be expected of thunder beyond cloud. Should you
expect to circumspect at suspect in crowd poem’s tone assuming
actuality of personality in shroud, recording them tearful souls torn
apart in scorn, putting together pieces of lives still born, thereby
deriving solution arriving at conclusion seems an image as mirage
miraculously mirrored in dreams, presenting an essentially complex
truce remaining true, requesting a quest not knowing now though she
knew new seeking self-identity causes calamity complain in pain,
reducing intellectual activity to plainly explain plain philosophies
built on reality begins in shadowy light with inherent characteristic
self enveloping soulflight not partial to modern psychology obscured
by the night inside quiet expressions of fright quite clearly right.
Mechanistic philosophy’s akin to insomniac count sheep, filled with
apprehension for deep anticipated sleep, unsuspecing of what could be
expected in matters heart, with collapsing of the common sense in
being apart. Mechanically dependable is wheel in circumference, the
wheel of fortune’s susceptible to interference. Man is able, ever
evolving & adjustable I can tell though within large universe
frequently under lovespell assuming the self possible source lost in
obscurity, perceiving the beloved’s image & reflections at liberty
emotions remaining fluid in each possible meaning face understanding
reality moving image of romantic place of seemingly integrated
relationship could be disgrace when in universe abandoning ration
moving too fast pace; rationalist view contructing relative values in
array, begging for beloved to stay & in later idealism also play in
affectionate subjectivism volunteering as poor slave, expressing
meaning in own experiences of heart so brave as suitor positioning
proposal & knave proposition behave regarded mistress beautiful quathe
in love to bequathe.
All things outside individual saints give thank jubilee; essential
goodness in possible pursuing divine liberty; deceiving in
regeneration is evident in glancing; reaching & recovering whilst in
intimidation advancing; trepidation & hesitation in various forms doth
make; in just & meaningful though seemingly meaningless spake elation
in creation with reverence supersedes ignorance; starry story must
find place in irreverence irrelevance; essentially of one departure &
yearning to return lies; all things outside the individual that giveth
rise; self esteem as variable results in growin’ groan alone;
subjective reconstitution may even call throne bemoan; shore of
another brother with greener grass cause roar; spiritual salvation’s
considered chore smothered gore; absolute condition can cause
individual as star shone; aspiring & achieving with finality state of
person one; being in salvation spiritually able amongst star to fly;
salvation attained as basis for affirmation dry tearcry; personal
realisation of person in acceptance of vile; paradox imperfection
cause intellectual isolation isle.

Denoted by his own being a horse may feel heehaw hoarse; salt may be
salted with rough salt coarse in remorse, unequivocably
compliment&promotion cause pride swelling promoted literally to
liberally embellish one dwelling, unilaterally persevering in work to
earn rest at shore, aghast at tales of yore yet fascinated by your
score, abissimally tired of being lead thus led to have fled, either
recuperating in bed or dead in dark pool of red, the dignified
glorified unified when grim battle ensued though quibbled neither
instance significant multitude, either significant make distinction of
knights now slain, falling from grace on the greater greatful plain,
rejection of one set of values resulted in screams; variable
individual souls in living water streams, believing imperfection can
never achieve braved tower, identified as personified dignitories in
the final hour where once tried & trusted in extravagance hath dined,
now extraordinary emerged as mortal at his root entwined emotional
need to find basis of believing entertained, retrieving both sense of
guilt & forgiveness spirit tamed.
What does it mean to be happy? What eventually matters? To adulthoood
from nappy running after pitter patters. We can’t extinguish flames or
relinquish what we never had. I’ll spare you the anguish and wish for
you not to be sad. Let’s dance and sing despite what life may bring.
There’s novelty in everything that grants our existence meaning.
A lost candle pronounced the announcability of advance recrimination
in demonstration call. Control mercy for unaccountable accountability;
be silent.
Some moments in life are far more treasured such as a precious pearl
in the ocean of time, enhanced only by true friendship measured as
fate doth createth beautiful inspiring rhyme.
How the days come and go, been and gone since time here in the sweet
course of fate it is again that time of year.
In the strangely conceited course of deliberate fatesometimes for mere
patience it’s much too late. Some things are just over before they had
begun if you have knowledge to understand all the secrets, but one.
Everybody triumphantly underline perplexity; give passionately of
beautifully intertwined mind. Time has personality of dignity and
respect for complexity; sometimes hesitation confirms, whereupon
remind. Glance efficiency, regardless of deficient pretend; modest
defiance has alliance with equal. Hope glistening can to impressionist
extend; preconception welcomes affection despite affliction
sequel.Challenge expression vicariously & gregariously in approach;
unique element is fragment of landscape. Artistic entitlement
approaches reproach; discovery eradicated ironical contempt of
happiness in escape. Temple brutally combines dazzling tradition;
landscape vigorous is richly glowing. Visit soft enthralling
contemporary rendition; forest intriguing in integrity is
understanding overflowing. Odyssey divides distance, both mysterious
nefarious; difficult…